Your guide to building a solid readership online for book sales. This ebook shares 80 keys I've learned in building my targeted readers, email list and profits.

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80 Strategies To Build Your Author/Writer Platform

Growing and building your platform doesn't happen overnight. But if you stay consistent with using the right strategies, you'll reap an influx of readers who will buy your books, and interact with your content from emails, videos and postings online.

The strategies shared will help you to build successful habits that will impact your skills to build readers for weeks, months and years to come.

Here's just a taste of the strategies you'll learn in this ebook:

Strategy #1: How to Get Reach and Exposure

Strategy #16: How to Cоmрile a liѕt оf at lеаѕt 3-5 mаin author/writer соmреtitоrѕ

Strategy #18: How to Start blogging consistently

Strategy #19: How to Build an email list

Strategy #21: How to Use Influencers to Gain Targeted Readers

Strategy #24: How to Use stories on IG & FB

Strategy #25: How to Connect with two genre related people per week

Strategy #29: How to Create a sign-up form on your website

Strategy #30: How to write for large publications to attract your readers

Strategy #44: How to set up a content calendar for your writings

Strategy #56: How to join podcasts to get your book in front of more readers

Strategy #62: How to form partnerships for more book exposure and sales

Plus more...

There are 80 strategies to help you build your writer/author platform today!

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